O Lord, protect your people with your shepherd’s staff;
lead your flock, your special possession.
-Micah 7:14
Please silence your mobile phones prior to the beginning of service.
Pray for the hostages in Gaza
There are pictures posted in the glass case. Please join us in prayer for them.
Prayer Requests
The prayer warriors lift up your prayer requests. Fill out a card in the lobby and drop into the agape box. You can also email prayer requests with the form on our website
Sponsor the Education of a Child in Africa
For $50.00 a semester you can sponsor a child’s education in Africa. Please send donations to Calvary Chapel Alpine, P O Box 1528 Alpine, CA 91903 and note “child in Africa education”. This can be a one-time or recurring donation. See Patti with questions.
2025 CCL Church Directory – Last chance!
If you consider yourself to be part of the church body and would like to be included, please fill out one gold colored form and drop it into the agape box in the foyer. Fill one out even if you have been in the previous directory to confirm you still wish to be included. Contact Kim G. with questions.
2025 Men’s Retreat
Sign-ups are on the back table to join us for the upcoming Men’s Retreat at the Whispering Winds Retreat Center in Julian, March 21-23 with Guest speaker Chuck Wooley. Cost is $210.00. T-shirt order forms also on the back table and must be ordered and paid for by 01/18. Drop payments in the agape box and note “men’s retreat”. See Pastor Bill with questions.
Tuesday Morning Women’s Prayer Meeting
Join us every Tuesday at 8am in the fellowship hall. See Patti with questions.
Tuesday Evening Prayer Meeting
Everyone is invited to join us Tuesday at 6pm in the sanctuary. See Rudy with questions.
Cleaning Ministry
Please join us as we meet on Fridays to clean God’s house. See Bobby H. for details.
Saturday Morning Men’s Bible Study
We meet every Saturday morning at 7am in the Fellowship Hall at CCL.