O Lord, protect your people with your shepherd’s staff;
lead your flock, your special possession.
-Micah 7:14
Please silence your mobile phones prior to the beginning of service.
Pray for the hostages in Gaza
There are pictures posted in the glass case. Please join us in prayer for them.
Prayer Requests
The prayer warriors lift up your prayer requests. Fill out a card in the lobby and drop into the agape box. You can also email prayer requests with the form on our website
2025 Men’s Retreat
Men’s retreat at Whispering Winds Retreat Center in Julian (17606 Harrison Park Rd. Julian, CA, 760-765-1600) will be March 21-23 with guest speaker Chuck Wooley. Please sign up at the back table with payment in full of $210.00 (must be paid in full to register). Please drop your check/cash in the agape box marked “men’s retreat”. Deadline to register and pay is Mar. 10th. All men going are required to fill out a waiver form online before retreat. Copies also available in the foyer if you prefer. Check in starts at 4pm with dinner at 6:30pm. Questions, see Patti.
2025 Women’s Retreat
This retreat takes place March 28-30 at Rough Acres Ranch in Boulevard. The guest speaker is Debbie Bryson. Cost is $200.00. If you are interested or would like to know more, see Sandy C.
California Wildfires
If you are interested in supporting the victims of the wildfires please consider donating to or volunteering via Samaritan’s Purse. Information is on their website
Tuesday Morning Women’s Prayer Meeting
Join us every Tuesday at 8am in the fellowship hall. See Patti with questions.
Tuesday Evening Prayer Meeting
Everyone is invited to join us Tuesday at 6pm in the sanctuary. See Rudy with questions.