Bulletin for March 23, 2025


O Lord, protect your people with your shepherd’s staff;
lead your flock, your special possession.
-Micah 7:14


Please silence your mobile phones prior to the beginning of service.

Please continue to pray!

Pray for the hostages and families. Pray for the nation of Israel.

Prayer Requests

The prayer warriors lift up your prayer requests. Fill out a card in the lobby and drop into the agape box. You can also email prayer requests with the form on our website CCLakeside.com.

Sponsor the Education of a Child in Africa

For $50.00 a semester you can sponsor a child’s education in Africa. Please send donations to Calvary Chapel Alpine, P O Box 1528, Alpine, CA 91903 and note “child in Africa education”. This can be a one-time or recurring donation. See Patti with questions.

Monday Night Home Fellowship

We are currently studying Psalm 119. We meet Monday evenings at 6:30pm on ZOOM for prayer and from 7pm to 8pm for study. See Rudy for more information on the study and Kim M. for logging into ZOOM.

Tuesday Morning Women’s Prayer Meeting

Join us every Tuesday at 8am in the fellowship hall. See Patti with questions.

Tuesday Evening Prayer Meeting

Everyone is invited to join us Tuesday at 6pm in the sanctuary. See Rudy with questions.

Women’s Retreat

It is this Friday March 28-30. Check in from 3pm to 5pm and dinner is at 6pm. Checkout is Sunday at 11:30 am. Don’t forget to bring your towels and look over your list.

Author: Webservant

I'm just the guy that takes care of the website.